Author’s visit is one of many highlights

One of the many recent highlights at De La Salle Senior School in Malta was the visit of well-known author Trevor Zahra and it proved to be a great experience for the students.

Trevor Zahra visits 

During the second break, the Senior school library warmly welcomed the renowned author Trevor Zahra. The books written by this same author are very popular with our students.

A good number of students attended this activity where they had the opportunity to ask many questions as well as curiosities in connection with the adventures they themselves read. Towards the end of the session there was also a time where the author signed the books that the students brought from home. It was a positive and memorable experience. The Maltese language is extremely beautiful, let's continue to cherish it!! Thanks to all who attended.

"Whatever you read, enters you and becomes a part of you. No writer can truly be a writer if they are not also a reader." - Trevor Zahra

Waqt it-tieni break, il-librerija tal-iskola sekondarja laqgħet bi ħġarha lill-awtur rinomat Trevor Zahra. Il-kotba miktuba minn dan l-istess awtur huma ferm popolari mal-istudenti tagħna.  Numru sabiħ ta’ studenti attendew għal din l-attivitá fejn kellhom l-opportunitá li jistaqsu bosta mistoqsijiet kif ukoll kurżitajiet b’konnessjoni mal-avventuri li huma stess qraw.  Lejn tmiem is-sessjoni kien hemm ukoll ħin fejn l-awtur iffirma l-kotba li l-istudenti ġabu magħhom mid-dar.  Kienet esperjenza pożittiva u memorabbli.  Il-lingwa Maltija hija sabiħa immens, ejjew nibqgħu ngħożżuha!! Grazzi lil dawk kollha li attendew.

Art Competition

An art poster competition was carried out amongst our students to raise awareness about the importance of collecting batteries instead of disposing of them irresponsibly.  The collection of batteries is also part of our ‘Environment and Sustainability Action Plan’ for this scholastic year.    

After a number of entries were submitted, students in form 1 and form 2 classes voted for the best poster, and we are pleased to announce the winning poster designed by Debono Leonardo Victor from 3 White.  Special thanks goes to Mr. Peter Magro and Mr. Isaac Warrington, our art teachers for their collaboration and support.  Well done to Leonardo for his creative and original design!

Cross Country

De La Salle Junior (FORM 1 & 2) and Senior (FORM 3 & 4), qualified to this year Cross-Country National Finals. The event was held at the Marsa Sports Complex.

Form 2 Home Economics

Form 2 students preparing a variety of tacos during their Home Economics lesson.

Form 3 Home Economics

Form 3 Home Economics students prepared a variety of Rock Buns and Crumbles while learning the Rubbing-in Technique.

Sports Day

A very successful Sports Day was held recently with The Blues emerging as the winners.

U-13 Football

The U/13 football School Team qualified for this year finals. De La Salle qualified by winning the group. DLS results were as follows:

Group A results:

DLS vs St. Albert 2-0

St. Patrick vs DLS 0-5

St. Michael vs DLS 0-1

DLS vs Verdala 3-1

Digital Awareness

All PSCD and ICT classes from form 1 to form 5 learned about navigating the digital footprint.

This topic is important because it helps students understand how their online activities can affect their reputation, privacy, and safety.


St Gregory’s students showcase their talent


St Illtyd’s students display their creative talents