Pastoral Centre Belfast hits the ground running

The De La Salle Pastoral Centre, Belfast has hit the ground running this year. We’ve enjoyed having the company of Post-Primary students participating in our retreats and the feedback has been very encouraging.

Comments from Year 14 Students (17/18 year olds)

·         I learned to always be kind to others and I want to remember everyone has a quality

·         I learned about kindness and God

·         I learned about good qualities and that my qualities are very important

·         I liked the deep talks because it really made me think deeply about what life means

·         Making the poster made me notice some other people.

·         I enjoyed the meditation and the discussions with classmates that we would normally avoid

Year 11 boys are saying:

·         I was able to find out more about Jesus and how to find him.

·         Friendship and kindness

·         A candle can represent God’s presence

·         I enjoyed when me and my group talked about right, wrong and depends because it was fun and showed how some of my classmates viewed certain situations.

New Team Member

We are also blessed this year with a new team member, Michelle. She is a great addition to our team bringing her experience as a qualified youth worker, her love for young people, her fun and positive outlook. Welcome.


DLS Malta celebrate start of school year


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