Online retreat for Lasallian women

On Saturday May 8th Lasallian women gathered online to make space for reflection, time out and to share their experiences of the past 15 months.

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The theme was about filling our cups, taking that wonderful symbol of a cup, a vessel, a container which holds something, which often nourishes us, hydrates us and comforts us. During a creative activity, we likened the cup to our physical and spiritual being and considered how we care for it, respect it, replenish and refill.

Experiences of lockdown were shared during a beautiful presentation which gave statements of various realities which could each be related to in one way or another and enjoyed time in small groups discussing what we had heard and sharing our stories and own experiences.

As we all continue to pour and refill our cups dealing with the additional pressures that a pandemic has brought to all of us, we reflect on these words by Joyce Rupp and remember that although we may sometimes feel empty and drained, this space is now ready for renewal to take place.

“a cup is a container for holding something. Whatever it holds has to eventually be emptied out so that something more can be put in to it. I have learned that I cannot always expect my life to be full. There has to be some emptying, some pouring out, if I am to make room for the new. The spiritual journey is like that  - a constant process of emptying and filling, of giving and receiving of accepting and letting go.” (Rupp, 2012:2)


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