District Chapter ratifies Mission Assembly 2023 Final Report

The District’s plans for the next four years took a significant step forward on Saturday April 15th when Capitulants at Day 1 of District Chapter 2023 gave their backing to the proposals agreed at the Mission Assembly in February.

Following a review of the process that led to the Horizon Statements that were discussed in Malta, representatives of the three thematic groups gave a presentation on the Direction Statements. Capitulants were also presented with a full report on the Mission Assembly.

The success of the Mission Assembly was conveyed by Br. John Deeney who spoke in glowing terms of the experience in Malta, while a video capturing the efforts and positivity of the event was played for the gathering.

The Direction Statements created by the three thematic groups at the Mission Assembly were outlined by Mariella Vella (Theme 1), Jo Millea (Theme 2) and Mary McDonagh & Jason Poole (Theme 3). Time was given for delegates to consider the outcomes and to comment or ask questions.

The morning session concluded when the Chapter Capitulants unanimously voted to ratify the District Mission Assembly 2023 Final Report for implementation.


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