Mission team provides update on Founder’s Day and Lasallian Awards

The District Mission Team has been in contact with schools and pastoral centres to provide an update/ reminder regarding the Lasallian Awards and Founder’s Day.

The Institute celebrates Founder’s Day on 15th May as this is the date that St John Baptist de La Salle was proclaimed Patron Saint of all teachers of youth by Pope Pious XII in 1950. As a District, we will mark Founder’s Day with a shared celebration across Zoom on Friday 10th May at 10am (LON/DUB)/ 11am (MALTA).  This service will include a celebration of the Lasallian Awards and the lottery draw.

A Zoom link will be shared as we get closer to the date.

The week commencing 6th May, as part of the District-wide celebration of Founder’s Week, there will be a resource pack available to all schools and pastoral centres.  This will include daily resources which may be of used with students and/or for colleagues’ own personal reflection. We aim to make this resource available a couple of weeks prior to Founder’s Week.

The resource will be focused on the theme of, ‘Lasallian DNA: Our call to be leaven’ and will draw upon reflections made by members of our Lasallian community, Brothers, Partners and Educators.


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