Little hearts and sharing the love at Belfast Pastoral Centre
Here at De La Salle Pastoral Centre Belfast, there is a feeling of spring in the air. Yes, it helps to lift our spirits when we start to see those first daffodils bloom, but nothing made the team here smile wider than the unexpected delivery of handmade thank you cards from the P7 boys and girls from St Joseph’s PS who had a great day at the centre for their Confirmation retreat.
As a team we often wonder how the hearts of the young people have been touched by their retreat experience, the seeds have been planted but how far will they grow? We may never know. When appreciation is shared it restores our faith in the Lasallian Mission, to continue passing on the faith even in the face of obstacles.
John Baptist de La Salle himself faced many challenges and reminded us that “this is usually the case when worthwhile work is being done for God”.
The last two years have been a challenge for our centres, and we are in a time of building up again. What a lovely way to build up our spirits and the spirits of others by sharing some of the pictures that the children sent to us.
We can take comfort in knowing that our work is not in vain but that little hearts are in fact being touched. In the new beginnings of spring, take time to stop and appreciate the little things, smile and continue planting the those seeds of hope, faith and love.