Lent Projects at St Margaret Ward

Students from the Lasallian Ambassador group at St Margaret Ward have been hard at work this Lent. The group has produced a reflection that has been shared with all students in our school, to begin our Lenten journey together as a community of faith.

This focussed on the life of St Peter and his personal need for conversion after denying Christ. This was shared to reflect the conversion that the Lenten season invites us into through prayer, fasting and giving. The students produced the reflection almost completely independently and worked hard to make sure it was a meaningful experience for all.

Lasallian Ambassadors have also been involved in fundraising during the Lenten season. They have created and are in the midst of a running a ‘Guess the Egg’s competition, looking ahead to Easter, in order to raise funds for our Diocesan Charity, Father Hudson’s Care.


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