Leadership Team return to in-person meetings at Kintbury planning week

The first in-person meeting of the District Leadership Team since the Covid-19 pandemic struck, was held in St Cassian’s, Kintbury, from September 13th to 17th.

The District Planning Week centred on the efforts to maintain the Mission within the District and to look to how this can be developed in the future, while evaluating how the mandates of the District Mission Assembly 2019 and District Chapter 2019 are being fulfilled.

The value of physical meetings was highlighted over the sessions which proved very productive overall, resulting in many plans put in place, key dates arranged and a variety of initiatives discussed.

The week was also an opportunity for new team members, Jo Millea (Director of Formation and Vocation Ministry) and Eunan Whyte (Communications Officer) to meet with the team for the first time.

Reflecting on the week, Auxiliary Visitor Br. Ben Hanlon, revealed that it proved to a very successful few days.

“After so long apart it was great to finally meet up physically once again, and many thanks to everyone for their contributions.

“We achieved a huge amount and also developed solidarity in our group and between the groups in a very real way. I'm sure our work will bear fruit in plenty during the year ahead,” added Br. Ben.

During the week, each member of the team presented reports updating their work and outlining plans for the coming months.

One of the main outcomes was the development of the District Plan for 2021-2022 which will include a return of the very popular Lasallian Awards and monthly District Prayer Service, as well as new initiatives that will be launched in the weeks and months to come

Dates are currently being finalised and the full programme of events for the coming year will be released soon.

The District Leadership Team at Kintbury

The District Leadership Team at Kintbury


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