Launch of Lasallian Competition by MEL Committee Ireland

At the recent Student Leadership Programme, the Lasallian Competition for 2022/23 was launched by the MEL Committee Ireland and a letter has been sent to all Principals calling on their school to take part.

Before Covid 19 the Lasallian Competition was an annual event, where student from Lasallian schools across the country produced pieces of work in various media culminating in the final's day in Castletown.  

This year the competition, which is run by the MEL Committee Ireland, makes a return.   This is a hugely important event on many levels.  It encourages our students to explore and develop their understanding of the Lasallian ethos in a meaningful way as well allowing our young people to be creative across whatever format suits them best.  

It is hoped that every school will be in a position to enter the competition this year. The closing date for applications is February 10th 2023.  The Lasallian Comp​etition Celebrations will take place in Castletown on March 14th 2023.

The Competition details are as follows:

The title of this year's Competition is:  One Life, One Man, One La Salle 

Open to: 

Individual, class or group entries (maximum 6 in a group) 

Primary School: 5th Class, 6th Class, Year 6 and Year 7

Secondary School: 1st,2nd, 3rd and 5th Year, TY, LCA, Year 8 and Year 9 

Format:  Create an entry in any medium you choose, accompanied by a blurb explaining the importance/Significance of the piece for you (max 150 words). 

Entries can be: A piece of Writing (Poems, Essays, Drama etc,) Art (Animation, Film, Painting, Drawing, Ceramics), Music, Making and Creating, Video, Woodwork, Metalwork, Media, Power Point, Apps or any other suitable medium.   

Prizes:  All entries receive a certificate. Winner in individual, group and class. Overall winner. 

Details for submission: Will follow nearer the deadline


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