Lasallian Leaders making an impact at St Peter’s

This term, St Peter’s Catholic School in Bournemouth, welcomed Primary pupils to join this year’s team of Lasallian Leaders within school.

Our Lasallian Leaders are a group of pupils who meet regularly to pray together and share ideas. They get involved in all aspects of our school community,  helping at events, leading and planning liturgies and Masses and develop leadership skills by running prayer groups, assemblies and fundraising initiatives.

Three of our Primary Lasallian Leaders Josie, Emma and Sophia represented St Peter’s school at a local Social Justice Conference. They came back filled with ideas and inspired to find ways to promote Lasallian values in our school.

Sophia said: “I really enjoyed the conference. It made me think about what more we can do in school to make it more inclusive”.

Josie said: “I am really looking forward to being a Lasallian Leader because we can come up with lots of ideas and we  get to make a difference in school”.

Emma said: “As Lasallian leaders we learn more about God with our friends”.


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