Lasallian Awards and De Le Salle Day celebrations in Beneavin 

Fr Jim pictured with Nathan Dunne

In January Beneavin De La Salle College launched the District awards with the help of the animation team and Lasallian Prefects.  Students who engaged in the award took on challenges based on the 5 core principles. 

Those who achieved the awards were recognised at the school’s annual awards ceremony on the 7th April.  In all there were 20 recipients: 17 bronze, 2 silver and one gold.  Particular well done to third year student Nathan Dunne who received the gold award.  All students who received an award got a certificate and a small star pin in the relevant colour.  Silver and gold recipients were also awarded a trophy.

Later, on De La Salle Day these students also got their certificate from the District.  Awards were represented by our Hall of Fame recipient on the night, Fr. Jim Caffrey, a past pupil of the college.

 By the end of April plans were well underway for the school’s De La Salle Day celebrations on 14th May.   On the day itself there was a display of all the work done as part of this year's Lasallian competition.  The theme for the competition was Your Future, Your Passion and there were a wide range of entries from videos to art work both individual and group entries.  

Later in the morning students learned all about La Salle and in particular what it means to be Lasallian in a lesson delivered by their class tutor.  The lesson was about the Founder’s story as well as finding their passion/vocation.  

In the afternoon there was a short celebration when students were awarded the Lasallian Star.  It is a tradition in Beneavin that the star is given to students who display Lasallian qualities in their everyday life at school.   One student only from each class was awarded the star.   These students should display Lasallian characteristics such as leadership, kindness, caring, respectful and a role-model.  


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