Stella Maris Junior school explore important topics

Staff and students at Stella Maris Junior School have been very busy over the past month as they have explored topics such as keeping healthy and water conservation while also taking part in Lenten activities and welcoming visitors.

Keeping Healthy

Stella Maris students were visited by Ninu l-Bninu during the ARPA Roadshow sponsored by the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights, in conjunction with the Agriculture and Rural Payments Agency (ARPA) as part of an EU co-funded project with the scope of encouraging children to consume more fresh fruit, vegetables and milk.  It is important that from a young age, students take care of what they eat as this does effect their total well being. 

Water Conservation

Grade 3 Arnold prepared a dynamic Assembly about water conservation. They explored ways how to make good use of water and reminded the school community that water is very precious. They used the German language too, thanks to intern Ms Tabea.  They delivered a strong message about the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage.

Video Link:

Special visit

On the 5th March, we had a special visit from Auxiliary Visitor, Br. Tommy Walsh, and Director of Formation, Pat Walsh. They met the educators during the daily morning briefing by Head of School, Mr Noel Abela. Bro Tom Walsh then addressed the students and recounted experiences from the time he too was a student. After, they had a short meeting with the Senior Leadership Team.  These visits are important to us, as we feel part of the bigger organisation all working for the same causes, the well being of our students and to have a better generation in the coming years while keeping St John Baptist de La Salle dream alive.

Being generous to help Organisations during Lent

During Lent, students were encouraged to help several ogranisations. A collection of food was presented to YMCA Malta. Thanks to all Grade 5/6 who contributed to this collection by bringing food tins and other items to school.  YMCA Malta’s main aim is to support, assist and reintegrate the homeless in Malta. 

Grade 3/4 helped Lifeline Malta by bringing nappies, baby items to support the mothers.  Life Line Malta is a service within a pro-life non-governmental organisation - Life Network Foundation Malta. The foundation advocates that all human life is valuable and unique from the moment of conception all the way to natural death. It provides the full resources and authentic information that a person may be seeking when facing an unexpected crisis.

A sandwich sale was organised to raise funds towards Puttinu Care and Fra Diegu Home and a generous amount of 670 Euro was raised.

A casual day was organised in aid of Tiago's treatment who was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy and a generous sum of 1200 Euro was collected. Thanks to all the families who supported these initiatives.

 Grade 4 Miguel Assembly: Important women in our lIves on Women’s Day 8 March 2024

Grade 4 Miguel Assembly prepared an interesting assembly on Maltese Women who were successful in their career.  The students spoke about Roberta Metsola – President of the European Parliament, Marvic Monreal – Mezzo Soprano, Alison Abela – Actress, Ira Losco – Singer.  These 4 women sent a video message to the school community.  They wanted to put the message across that the students need to keep working to reach their true potential and be successful in life.  Educators received a flower from Head of School Mr Noel Abela as a sign of appreciation.

Video Link:

Prayer Spaces

Students gathered in silence and reflected on the meaning of Lent. The students experienced different stations of prayer spaces prepared by the four-year groups. This was an enriching experience for all the students.  Sometimes we need to be guided and helped on how to pray.  Prayer spaces enable children and young people of all faiths and none, to explore life’s questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way.

SMC students keen to help Hospice! Battery Campaign

Bring your used batteries and deposit them in the bin in front of Ms Karen's (receptionist) office. On Friday 8 March, Ms Romina from GreenPak visited SMC to emphasise on how one can help Hospice Malta by safely disposing of used batteries.  Hospice Malta’s primary role was to provide and promote palliative care for persons suffering from end-of-life cancer and motor neuron disease.

Lasallian Core Principle: Inclusion 

As a Lasallian College, one of the core principles we highly promote is inclusion.  An enjoyable morning at St Vincent Eco Farm was organised for five students. The students participated in various hands-on activities, enjoyed a calm morning and played together. Special thanks to all educators who made this excursion possible by preparing interesting activities for the students to enjoy.

Video Link:

Interactive Performance

Grade 4 & 6 Students watched Il-Każ tal-Kejk Migdum - ĠuPazzi, inspired by a famous detective board game. In this interactive story, one of the puppets indulged in a slice of cake when no one was looking, leading to an existing investigation to uncover the culprit. It was an educational and enjoyable experience for the students.  ĠuPazzi is an orgranistion whose core mission revolves around sharing Christian values with youngsters.

Grade 5 Pageant – The Road to the Cross

The script will follow Jesus through the final events in his life. It’s a very heavy week. Jesus is betrayed by a friend, abandoned by those who promised to be most loyal to him, disowned by his closest follower, arrested, beaten, and mocked. The crowd of people who cheered him as he entered Jerusalem just a short time before will soon shout, “Crucify him!”.  Three performances were done, one for the school community, one for their student’s parents and a third one for the Elderly from Casa Leone. 

Our Lady of Sorrows Mass

On Thursday March 21st, all the students and educators celebrated Mass in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows. Grade 4 Miguel animated the mass by singing songs dedicated to our lady of sorrows.

Down Syndrome Day and Mismatched Socks

To raise awareness with a single global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion and well-being of people with Down Syndrome, we asked the school community to come dressed in mismatched socks.  A short assembly was held in the Junior School Hall.

Video Link:

Silence Marathon

Students experienced 6 different stations while staying in silence. Thanks to all educators who made this possible. Thanks to parents who supported this initiative by sending flowers to decorate the corridors.

Video Link:

Baking Activity – Decorated Cookies

Educators gave the opportunity to a number of students to bake a special treat.  This was prepared with love for their families. Thanks to all educators who made this session possible.

Video Link:


Waterford’s basketball team show their skills


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