Invitation to Mail Art Call

All artists in the District, young, old, experienced or not, are encouraged to ignite their creativity by getting involved in an initiative at the invitation of Br Enrico in Scampia.

All you need to do is reflect on the theme listed below:

 “Since 2009 CasArcobaleno in Scampia, focuses their Lasallian work on the periphery of Naples, where children and young people from Italy and Rome, who do not go to school, find a fraternity for them, and have found a special interest promoting social art.

Once again this year we are proposing a MAIL ART Call, that is, we are inviting artists, students, friends and others to send us their artistic creations on a theme established by post so that the works may be exhibited and enrich our home and neighbourhood with beauty.
This year the theme is "Walking towards the Peripheries" and is linked to the Lasallian Reflection "Our Heart is in the Peripheries"... and we would like to have works from... the whole Lasallian world!

Please find a poster with further details attached and don’t forget, involvement in a Lasallian competition can help you to tick off two boxes on your Lasallian Awards journey! Let’s see who can lead the way.

For questions, clarification, help or support on this initiative, please contact Jo at


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