III International Assembly of the Lasallian Educational Mission

The III International Assembly of the Lasallian Educational Mission (AIMEL2020)  is taking place in Rome from March 28th to April 1st in a hybrid form - virtual (representatives of all the Districts) and in-person (at the Generalate in Rome.

The secretaries and moderators of the working groups of the III Assembly of the Lasallian Educational Mission (AIMEL2020) *, the Brother Superior General and his Council, and the Secretaries of the Secretariats of the Institute are all gathered. Every day between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. (Rome time), they meet online with all the representatives of the Districts to discuss and approve the proposals they have drafted during the online working sessions that have been held since last year.

The COVID-19 pandemic entailed a challenge all over the world and also affected this Assembly, initially planned for April 2020, to be held in person in Rome. It was redesigned and is being carried out in several stages through various online tasks.

The strategic axes that this Assembly is examining are:

Structures of Animation and Governance, Formation and Accompaniment, Lasallian Association and Community, Culture of Vocations, Mission - Service to the poor and inclusion, Mission - Evangelisation, Mission - Citizen formation, Mission - Identity of the Educational ministries.

Here you can access to the Message from Alisa Macksey, Co-Coordinator of #AIMEL2020 and President of CIAMEL: https://youtu.be/HyeHHXM6P-g.

Follow the progress of this Assembly on the Institute's website

Daily chronicle (text and video)

*The name 2020 was retained after this Assembly was postponed in April 2020 because of the international emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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