Gathering for Principals and Chairs of Boards of Management

The Gathering for Principals and Chairs of Boards of Management Lasallian Schools in the Le Chéile Schools Trust took place on Wednesday April 6th.

The event – led by Director of Mission, Joseph Gilson and Acting Brother Visitor Ben Hanlon - was hosted by De La Salle College, Churchtown, with Principal Siobhán Foster, and Deputy Principal Mick Kirwan providing wonderful hospitality.

All in attendance were treated to a tour of the school with the excellent facilities complemented by a strong sense of the Lasallian values not only in the impressive décor but also the wonderful atmosphere that was evident.

The meeting began with all participants introducing themselves and explaining what brought them to the position they now hold in their school. The common thread was the unique approach of the Lasallian schools and the passion to care for students in order to allow them to flourish.

Joseph Gilson presented the attendees with booklet, ‘A Resource for Boards of Management and on the leaders in Lasallian Schools in the Le Chéile Trust’.

He explained that the booklet is designed to help school leaders safeguard, promote and develop the characteristic spirit within Lasallian schools. It serves as a reminder of the characteristics that make a Lasallian school distinctive and highlights the importance of the 5 Core Principles, which work in tandem with the Le Chéile principles.

Joseph reflected on the importance of the recent Ethos and Strategy Evaluation webinars in safeguarding and promoting our identity, and reminded school leaders that the District Leadership Team was available at all times to help schools achieve their Lasallian goals.

To help ensure that all in the school community were in a strong position to promote the Lasallian values, it was agreed that Br Ben and a member of the Leadership team would address a Board of Management meeting in each of the schools over the coming academic year.

Br Ben concluded the meeting by thanking all for making in their busy schedules to attend and he reminded all the that the Lasallian ethos is something that everyone can latch on to regardless of faith.


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