Dublin Retreat Centre experiences increased demand
February continues to demonstrate the consistent demand for school retreats at De La Salle Retreat Centre Dublin. We have done more retreats in the months from September 2022 to date than in any other year for the same time period.
Yvonne with Claudia Vella in Malta
This has been encouraging for us, the pastoral team; the loyalty and commitment of schools to the students and to the Dublin De La Salle Pastoral Centre, demonstrates the authentic wish of schools to put the spiritual lives, inherent wellbeing and mental health of their young people, centre and forward. Our larger rooms and numbers capacity at Ballyfermot, means we are able to cater and meet those needs.
During the month of February, Yvonne as a member of the MEL Committee was invited to participate at the Mission Assembly 2023 in Malta. She returned enthused, motivated and energised to share the Good News and together with the team make live the agreed Horizon statements along with ensuring the continued growth and sustainability of the Lasallian ethos. It was a wonderful experience for all, as well as being an invaluable opportunity to connect with, get to know and embrace others from schools, centres and communities throughout the District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta.
The mid-term break afforded us a nice rest but already we are back to the busyness of before, with welcome requests to give confirmation retreats both in-house and in the schools themselves. Just this week, we are headed once again to a rural primary school in the lush farmlands of Co. Meath to give a Confirmation retreat - our third annual visit in a row there.
May the work continue and the seeds be sown.
Retreat team
The new District flag