Dublin Retreat Centre continues to thrive

It has been a busy time for the team at the De La Salle Retreat Centre Dublin over the past couple of months.

Yvonne was certified in Lasallian Spirituality in Rome in July having completed the year-long Phase 1 online and Phase II in-house.  Phase II consisted of a two week course at the Generalate in Rome that bore witness to a gathering  of many of the nations that make up the Lasallian family. Participants came from as far afield as South America, North America, Africa and Lebanon to name just a few. A special thank you must go to Br. Paco, Br. Luis and Heather for their impeccable planning, support and teaching throughout the year and again in Rome. The work continues.  

Many improvements were made to St. John's Retreat House in Ballyfermot during the summer, overseen by our director Eugene. The house is thriving as are the retreat bookings that are rolling in. Our first retreat of the new term was to Glendalough and our Glendalough.

We have been blessed with glorious sunshine here in Ireland this September, and though the temperatures were high, everyone was able and willing to hike up the mountain to enjoy the wonderful views and embrace this special place.

We have had many in-house retreats already and it is lovely to see new schools along with the long-faithful schools returning to us. We are enjoying being back and are looking forward to the busy weeks ahead.


Exciting new team of volunteers at St Cassian’s


Many visitors enjoy their time in Castletown