DLS St Helens Eco School update

Mock UN climate conference

On Monday 13th March 2023, De La Salle School St Helens and several other secondary schools, met together in Rainford High to have a mock climate conference.  Beforehand we had to research about the efforts to change the pollution and heat levels in certain countries. Each school had two countries to represent and give a speech about the research. We were given India and Egypt to represent.

Firstly, we sat down in our countries and gave our speeches to the rest of the schools and the spectators. Whilst we listened to the other representatives, we thought about how we could help the other countries or how to give them support to help them lower down their emissions. After everyone gave their speeches we asked questions about how they were lowering emissions and if we could get support. After we finished the first part, we had a break.

We resumed with a team building exercise, where we worked alongside another country to discuss how we could improve forests and make our food sources more sustainable. Then we returned to the group and shared our notes with the other countries present.

Then, governors from St Helens Council arrived, and explained about their jobs and how they keep the area clean and sustainable. After that, we asked questions about their jobs and key parts of how they keep the area more sustainable.

Later, we had a discussion with other schools about how we keep our grounds clean and sustainable. We talked about how our school is sustainable and our plans to raise awareness in the future.

The final task was creating pledges to bring as we came back to school, to hopefully spread a message to change our school for the better.

 Earth Week 2023

During earth week this year there were a number of activities for students to take part in.

The Eco Team delivered assemblies and plan to do more next term to acknowledge World Environment day June 5th and Word Ocean Day June 8th.

We carried out a transport survey to assess which form was most eco-friendly with their methods of getting to school.  The winning forms were 7B, 8H, 9J, and 10H.

We held lunchtime litter picks which were so popular that students want to do this on a weekly basis.

We had an Eco themed form time quiz to replace the normal Friday quiz and finally held our own earth hour where we switched off all non-essential devices, systems and lighting.

We are planning to apply for our next Green Flag before the end of the year.

- James Lyle, Aidan Rigby, Sophie Dickinson (year 9 Eco Team)


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