DLS Senior School explore many ways to display Lasallian values

Students at De La Salle College Senior School in Malta have been exploring many ways to display their Lasallian values as they have taken on voluntary work and participated in sport, while also taking part in the EY Generate 2023.

Football success

Eighteen church and independent schools are participating in this year's MSSF U16 Boys Football Competition. De La Salle kicked off the competition on the first day, joining nine other teams that were divided into two groups, with each match lasting just 15 intense minutes.

After securing two victories and one draw, our school team found themselves facing a crucial challenge: they needed to defeat Verdala by a margin of at least five goals to guarantee their place at the top of the group and secure one of the coveted four spots in the Finals. Our boys rose to the occasion and delivered a stunning 6-0 victory.

Adding to the excitement of the day, our team proudly donned their new playing kits, marking the occasion with style and spirit.

EY Generate

Form 5 students had the opportunity to attend the EY generate 2023. They had various talks and workshops. The survey aims to understand the thoughts, opinions, and aspirations of the younger generation in Malta.

Form 1 Voluntary work

Our college strongly believes in the holistic education of our students. It is vital that they become aware of the different experiences faced by our fellow human beings as well as realize the joy of helping them. With this in mind, the school organised a voluntary work experience for the Form 1 students, at Dar tal-Providenza, Siggiewi, which was founded by Mons. Michael Azzopardi in 1965 with the aim of offering a home with a warm and family-like environment for persons with disabilities who, for some reason or another, cannot stay living with their family.

Form 2 Voluntary work

Another group of Form 2 students has experienced the joy of giving through voluntary work experience at Dar tal-Kleru, B'Kara, which is a home for the Clergy and a respite centre for convalescent and post-operative care.

Form 5 Voluntary work

It was the turn of the Form 5 students to visit Soup Kitchen OFM, Valletta and while offering some of their time in doing voluntary work, they become aware of the different experiences faced by our fellow human beings as well as realize the joy of helping them.

Form 4 Voluntary work

Students from Form 4 also carried out voluntary work.

 Sports Day

The winners of this year's Form 2 Sports Day are the Yellows.

Active Faith

We are in the month of November. Today on the steps of the St. John the Baptist de La Salle monument, as Active Faith club we reflected on people like us who walked towards sanctity and became saints by serving God and our neighbour. They saw Jesus in those they served.

"Your students are living images of Jesus". (St. John the Baptist de La Salle)

 The students who attended participated by each saying what we can do to become saints as well and we had a moment of reflection on a parable that Jesus taught about an invitation to a meal from the Gospel according to Saint Luke. The saints accepted the invitation. Will we welcome it?

 Save us Lord with the prayers of the saints.

Clean Up

Our college strongly believes in the holistic education of our students. It is vital that together we support Sustainable Goals No. 13: Climate Action, No. 14: Life Below Water, and No. 15: Life on Land.

With this in mind, the school organised a voluntary work experience at St Paul's Battery in Marsaxlokk in collaboration with a former Lasallian, Mr. Mark Galea Pace, who founded Coast is Clear, in a bid to protect the environment—both the land and sea. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1021784982413740

Eco Captains

One of our action plans for this scholastic year, is to enforce our commitment towards environmental sustainability. A group of students came forward and were appointed as Eco-Captains. Together with the rest of our educators, they are working hard to implement a waste management strategy at school.

All our classes, grounds and corridors include a set of labelled bins where one may dispose off different form of waste. As a school we are committed to increase environmental awareness amongst our pupils and beyond and share our contribution towards its sustainability.


During the second week of November, three of our educators at the senior school, Ms. Alexandra Galea, Ms. Caroline Brincat and Ms. Margaret Spiteri embarked on a course in Athens, Greece  ‘Motivate your students with growth mindset feedback’.  This was part of the school’s third part of a three tier ERASMUS project funded by the European Union.  

Through this training, participants were able to gain a deeper understanding of the transition from a teacher-centred approach to a student-centred approach, which can take place through a number of teaching and learning practices. Students’ mindset and its impact on their motivation and achievement was also better understood.  Thanks to this course, participants feel in a better position to create a growth-oriented feedback culture in the classroom.  

Prize Day 2022 - 2023

As Lasallians, we unite to celebrate our students' holistic achievements.


Br. Michael’s 80th celebrations in Belfast


Letter from Superior General Br. Armin Luistro