Creative students produce award-winning film

Students from St Stephen’s Boys National School in Waterford have been displaying their creative talents by producing an award-winning movie, while also earning recognition for living the Lasallian values.

On February 22nd, 4th Class went to the Helix Theatre in DCU Dublin. Their short movie ‘Timpiste’ was nominated in four different categories. The boys produced this movie in 3rd Class with their teacher at the time Mr. Russell.

A fantastic day out was had by all with the boys coming away with an award in the category of ‘Best Direction’. The boys celebrated with a trip to McDonalds on the way back to Waterford!

Each Term we celebrate the Lasallian Awards in St. Stephen’s school. Each member of staff nominates a boy who is trying his best in school. We pick boys who have lovely manners, show respect to others and are being a good friend to the boys in their class.

Boys in all classes from Junior Infants right up to 6th Class can be nominated and we present the awards to the boys in front of the whole school community. There is always great excitement!



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