Churchtown students on pilgrimage to Lourdes

De La Salle College Churchtown participated in the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, as helpers in assisting pilgrims who were sick and elderly.

In September, as students, teachers and staff were adjusting back into their school routine, five 6th Year students raised funds and gave up a week of their time to volunteer and participate in this annual pilgrimage to Lourdes.

The hard work of these students reflected some of the 5 Core Principles of Lasallian schools, namely concern for the poor and social justice, respect for all people and faith in the presence of God.

Their duties ranged from taking care of the pilgrims; ensuring that they were safe and making sure they had an enjoyable and memorable experience, as they completed their pilgrimage in Lourdes.

It was a thoroughly worthwhile and memorable experience for students Niall Burke, Ben Boylan, Craig Delaney, Elliott Looney, Conor Rochford and their teacher Mr Mark Forde and indeed all participants in the Pilgrimage. #WeAreSalle


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