Celebrating Peace Month with Lasallian Values

This month, the 7-2  class at St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy has engaged splendidly in this year’s peace month by completing various tasks and gestures related to the topic.

The theme for this year’s peace month is ‘Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world’, which is why 7-2 first discussed the adversities taking place around the globe (mainly in Afghanistan and the amount of Afghan refugees residing in the UK) and how the citizens caught up in these situations are in desperate need of peace.

As the class is part of the Lasallian community their Fidei tutor, Miss Wilson, gave them all a piece of paper each with doves printed on them which Alfie, a member of 7-2, stated is a sign of peace and tranquillity. Then she asked Fidei group to write the name of somebody who was in need of peace in the dove.

After, the students completed the task they placed their papers in the intentions basket. When all of the pupils were finished, Miss Wilson guided them through prayer, reminding them to keep the person they wished to pray for in mind; who they thought was in need of peace. For example, the Afghan refugees, Sudan refugees, the homeless and unfortunately much more.

Additionally, 7-2 briefly touched on a poem based on how humans are human and nothing but human which reflects on how everyone is equal and to the theme of peace month. The Fidei group analysed the poem and left the classroom aiming to bring peace and equality to everyday.

Overall, these small acts indicate how faithful and dedicated 7-2 are to make a difference and leave their mark on the world and follow the Lasallian values; proving how concerned they are to those less fortunate. The students have worked hard and have been mature during these specific lessons and Miss Wilson has clearly explained how important peace month is.

Rahmatoullahi Barry, 7-2.


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