Celebrating Lasallian Spirit in St Gerald’s

St Gerald’s De La Salle College celebrated their Lasallian spirit as we welcomed Br Tom Walsh, DLS Waterford, his colleague Tom O’Neill and past pupil of SGC, Ernie Sweeney, on Thursday 27th April.

Ernie returned to St Gerald’s to acknowledge the work of Brother Augustus and the DLS Brothers in Castlebar. He told the captivated audience that, at the age of 23, Br. Augustus, Principal of St Gerald’s, took him under his wing to tackle his literacy issues.

As a result, Ernie has campaigned nationally for improved supports for people with additional educational and literacy needs, and his most effective campaign came to fruition when photos were placed on ballot sheets for local and national elections, giving dignity to those with literacy struggles.

Ernie concluded by giving thanks to the DLS Brothers for teaching him to be kind and gentle, and for putting an invisible hand of friendship and support around those who have learning difficulties.


Women in the Lasallian Family


Founder’s Day service captures passion and energy of our District