Castletown team remember Br. Mike

The team at the Pastoral Centre in Castletown returned in September, refreshed after the summer break.

Sadly, during the summer, Br Mike Murphy, a long-standing team member, passed to his eternal reward. Mike was such an integral part of the Pastoral Centre for so many years and he is greatly missed. We will endeavour to continue his spirit of welcome and acceptance to all the groups who visit us. And with that in mind, we were delighted to welcome our first groups of the new academic year.

Prefects and student council members from various schools have been our visitors thus far and we have been very impressed by the leadership skills of these very fine students. They have been a joy to work with and it augurs well for the year ahead, if these students are anything to go by.

In the next few weeks, we will be welcoming other year groups to the Centre and we are grateful for the opportunity and privilege of doing so.

We are also in the process of launching our new website and hope to have news of that very shortly. 

Wishing you all a fruitful year ahead.

Best wishes

The Pastoral Team


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