Castletown team ready to embrace new year

The team at Castletown Pastoral Centre returned after the Christmas break, refreshed and renewed and ready to welcome groups once again.

For the early weeks of January, the Pastoral Centre is being used by Limerick Diocese for their youth leadership programme, so our team has temporarily relocated to the Monastery.

This has been a January 'tradition' for us and we have been warmly welcomed to the Monastery by Brothers Kevin, Albert and Frank and the Monastery staff. We greatly appreciate their kindness in opening up their home to us and the school retreat groups. 

So far, in the early weeks of 2023, we have welcomed Transition Year and Confirmation groups and have been blessed with enthusiastic, friendly and talented students.

Currently we are being treated to a little covering of snow and bright winter sunshine and while it is cold outside, the warmth of the students is radiating from Castletown.

Wishing you all best wishes for the year ahead.

  • Castletown Pastoral Team



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