Busy end to year at Stella Maris

Staff and students at Stella Maris Junior School had a very busy time coming up to the end of year with activities including a Christmas Eve Mass, crafts, plays and games.

Christmas Eve Mass

On Christmas Eve, a Mass for the families was organised adhering to the present Covid-19 restrictions, thus limiting the number of persons who could attend.  A Christmas reflection was read at the beginning of Mass by Mr Emanuel Cilia who helped the Lasallian families gather themselves in prayer.  The School Chaplain, Fr Anthony Fitzpatrick celebrated Mass and preached a very touching homily.  We look forward to better times to be able to celebrate mass and reach more families like the previous years.

End of Term Christmas Activities

Several activities were organised to celebrate Christmas before the end of term.  Unfortunately, some classes were online for a few days, yet the class teachers organised many events.  Some classes cooked a delicious cake in a mug or created lovely Christmas crafts, while following the teacher’s instructions. 

Santa Escape Room

Some students participated in a Santa Escape Room activity. Ten clues were stuck around the school ground. The students had to read and solve these ten English language clues and record their answer on a score sheet. The answer of each clue was a number. Once they solved the clues, the students ended up with a ten digit code to crack the code of Santa’s Grotto’s Escape Room.

Christmas Plays

Two Christmas plays were prepared by the Grade 3 and 4 students and their Creative Arts teacher.  Parents and students watched the plays online on the last two days of school. 

 Home Visits

As a yearly tradition, Junior school students used to visit the Homes of the Elderly for Christmas time to show them that they care. Unfortunately, this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, our students could not visit the Homes for the Elderly. The teaching staff asked the students to prepare a lovely card and write a personal message to one of the elderly. These cards together with some beautiful hampers were presented to Zammit Clapp Care Home. All items in the hampers were brought by the students. 

Christmas Mass

A Christmas Mass was organised for the whole school, with Grade 4 Miguel participating physically in the chapel, while the other classes followed online.  Students sang Christmas carols and prayed together for all children who are sick in hospitals, for their relatives, friends and educators who are passing from a difficult time and for Bro David. Grade 3 Students prepared letters addressed to Baby Jesus.  These letters were placed in a basket and offered during mass.  All students had the opportunity to pray and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.


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