Busy end to term at St Benild School

Students at St Benild School in Malta have been enjoying a number of activities over the past few weeks including a visit to La Salle Retreat Centre in Mellieha, that included an Easter Egg hunt, prayer spaces and beach walks, while they also remembered Our Lady of Sorrows.

 Excursion to La Salle Mellieha Retreat House

On Thursday, 8th April all our Grade 2 pupils were taken on an excursion to La Salle Mellieha Retreat House for some exciting activities, away from the usual school routine. This has been a long second term during which our pupils and their educators alike worked very hard to ensure that all learning and teaching objectives were reached. Such an excursion was well deserved.

All the cohort was split up into small groups of 10-12 pupils in each. The educator responsible for the group moved from station to station, ensuring to complete all six activities. The children loved the Easter egg hunt which was prepared in the La Salle Retreat House garden.

Not only were they excited to look for the eggshells, but they were ever so engaged in executing the nature task found in each one. The variety presented was great. - from Religious Zumba dancing to Prayer spaces in the centre's oasis of peace. The pupils also enjoyed a walk down to the beach which fully evoked their senses of hearing, seeing, smelling and touching. Obstacles races set up by our Physical Education teacher were loved by all. Creating their own keep sake -  by decorating their own Easter mug - was a station which arose a lot of interest too. 

The children craved for more time to be spent at the Retreat house. It felt like being home and Sammy Borg's hospitality surely made us all feel that way. A day with a difference, which presented our learning community with the possibility of reflecting, exercising and praying. A brother once taught us that we all need to 'Pray hard! Play hard! Work hard'. A day like this ensured we manage it all so successfully.

Our Lady of Sorrows

Despite being a short day, the pupils remembered Our Lady of Sorrows in a very meaningful way. The hall was turned into 'The Last Supper Scene'. With the use of adequate music, as well as the gesture of washing of hands, the children could understand better the meaning of Maundy Thursday.

Moreover, the pupils participated in a silence walk around the school which led to the nearby parish church, where they could view traditional statues representing the Easter Story. Subsequently, in class activities were organised during which the pupils were challenged to follow clips and follow instructions so as to complete tasks, without the use of words (a silence marathon). Quite a feat for most pupils and adults alike! One could really experience the beauty of silence along the corridors and inside the classrooms.

Our second term came to a close with a Mass which was organised for all the staff of St. Benild School. This was held at the nearby parish church, Sacro Cuor. No better way to end the term, since the family that prays together, stays together.



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