Benildus College celebrate Lasallian Week

St. Benildus College celebrated our annual Lasallian Week from Monday 5th December to Friday 9th. The week recognises and celebrates the life and work of St. John Baptist de La Salle and across the week students and staff celebrate and emphasise the five Core Lasallian principles in our daily school life.

The week itself was showcased by our Lasallian corridor decorated with inspirational quotes, images and bunting bringing attention to what the week is all about. All were encouraged to take part in Random Acts of Kindness throughout the week, highlighting the respect and kindness that we endeavour to show to all persons, at all times.

1st and 2nd year students took part in our annual Advent services with a beautiful service and music prepared by the RE Department. Our TY Lasallian mentors organised a very successful Christmas quiz for all first-year students while 6th year Lasallian prefects organised a senior Christmas jumper day with all funds raised going directly to Irish Motor Neuron Disease in remembrance of our parish priest, Fr. Tony Coote.

Staff also enjoyed our annual Lasallian Christmas lunch with Christmas jumpers brightening the school corridors. Music students accompanied by Ms. Tracey raised money for Run for Life while carol singing in Stillorgan while our Lasallian spirit was also evident in the fantastic donations of food for our annual Christmas food appeal.

We were delighted to donate 25 food hampers to SVP Ireland along with a large donation to Cross care foodbank in Dundrum. A massive thank you to all who participated and helped highlight our Lasallian values throughout the week.


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