AIMEL holds face-to-face sessions in Rome

The III International Assembly of the Lasallian Educational Mission (#AIMEL2020) held its face-to-face session from Monday October 31st to Friday November 4th at the Generalate in Rome.

The District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta was represented by Director of Mission, Joe Gilson. Heather Ruple, our District’s Co-ordinator of Mission Initiatives, was also delegate in view of her Institute role as a co-Secretary for Association within the Secretariat for the Lasallian Educational Mission and Association.

The delegates, numbering just over a 100 (86 lay Lasallians and 27 Brothers), represented our global Mission and finalised Lines of Action for the Proposals identified for next seven years. 

The third AIMEL planned for 2020 was postponed due to the COVID-19 (#AIMEL2020) pandemic. For this reason, special online sessions were scheduled in 2021, leading to the final, face-to-face phase in November 2022. Specifically, the III AIMEL was designed in two sessions, the first of which began on November 10, 2021. 

The participating delegates carried out activities focused on a global vision of the Lasallian Mission in the world.  The delegates of the III AIMEL took note of the progress made by II AIMEL (2013), studied the documents elaborated during this period and received the contributions of many Lasallians (185 consultative/feedback notes) with which they elaborated 15 initial proposals. From them, eight strategic axes and eight working groups were formed from which 9 proposals emerged that were presented to the 46th General Chapter for final ratification. (

Some of the expectations and commitments are focused on the re-imaging of structures and services currently offered at Regional and Institute level (marked in blue), while others challenge the local ministries to do more for those most vulnerable in society (marked in red). 

In particular,

Proposal 1: Effective Governance and financial structures for the sustainability of Mission

Line of Action: Group of Experts to offer model/s of governance and sustainability

Line of Action: Updating of the Statutes of CIAMEL to effectively animate the Lasallian Educational Mission

Proposal 2: Building and Revitalising formation and accompaniment for the future of the Lasallian Mission

Line of Action: Enhance and Promote an international and collaborative network that will ensure relevant formation and accompaniment of all Lasallians (Brothers and Partners) in different contexts.

Proposal 3: Effective Structures of Association and Intentional Community for Lasallian Commitment

Line of Action: Create and implement a Strategic Plan of Association for the Lasallian Mission in each District

Proposal 4: Creating personal and community spaces and contexts for vocation accompaniment and discernment

Line of Action: Create a Culture of Vocation Plan for all Lasallians

Proposal 5: Lasallian response toward eradicating poverty through inclusive communities

Line of Action: Integrate the importance of Education for Social Justice in all Ministries

Line of Action: Lasallian response to the fragile sectors of the Institute

Proposal 6: A Lasallian education centred on the Gospel of Jesus and dedicated to spiritual accompaniment and dialogue.

Line of Action: Revitalise our commitment for education in interiority, spiritual accompaniment and evangelisation.

Proposal 7: Lasallian Educational Communities for the Transformation of Society: Critical Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Integral Ecology. A New World is Possible.

Line of Action: Lasallians united and in communion with other institutions for critical citizenship, integral ecology and social responsibility

Proposal 8: Vitality of the Lasallian Identity as the dynamic axis of the mission in new contexts

Line of Action: Actualisation and strengthening of Lasallian Identity

We will be able to appreciate this work in further detail as we engage with our own District Mission Assembly in the coming months.

History of AIMEL

The history of the Assemblies of the Lasallian Educational Mission began during the 43rd General Chapter (2000) when it was decided to hold "an international meeting of Brothers, Collaborators and Associates" (Proposition 3) and an International Assembly for the Lasallian Educational Mission (Proposition 7) to be held before the next Chapter (in 2007).

The Commission of the Lasallian Educational Mission (MEL) and the Commission "Associates for the Lasallian Educational Mission" designed the process for a unique event: the 1st International Assembly "Partners for the Lasallian Educational Mission". To this end, the entire Institute participated in a long and fruitful process of Local Assemblies and Regional Assemblies, culminating in the 2006 International Assembly.

The work carried out over these five years in the Local Assemblies, in which more than 1,000 Lasallian educators from all over the world have participated directly, was summarized in the report presented at the I AIMEL held in Rome from October 23rd to November 4th, 2006 with a wide representation of Lay Lasallians. Sisters and Brothers from some 50 countries, where the 42 mother tongues spoken highlighted the international dimension of the Lasallian world.  The 2nd International Lasallian Educational Mission Assembly took place in May 2013.


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