Pat Walsh continues his visits across the District

Director of Formation, Pat continued his visits to schools across the District this month in both Ireland and Great Britain.

Pat completed his visits to schools in Ireland by calling to St Brigid's NS Kildare and Monastery NS, Ardee.

In Kildare, Pat was welcomed by Principal Donal Fleming, while his is pictured with Jim McGee on a tour of the school in Ardee.

Pat paid a visit to St Joseph’s College, Beulah Hill, on December 13th, where he was welcomed by Acting Head teacher George Mantillas, and Che Mbewe art teacher and 6th Form head, who recently attended the Lasallian CPD in Malta.

Pat also enjoyed a warm reception when he visited Brothers at Miguel House on Friday December 1st. He also met up with Director, Br. Martin Curran, and his former teacher, Br. Pat Gorman.


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Castletown Pastoral Centre give thanks for groups that have visited