Lasallian Identity Framework
Lasallian Identity Framework (LIF)
The Lasallian Identity Framework incorporates a vision of the Christian and Lasallian character of a ministry (a school or pastoral centre or project) within an assessment process, primarily based on reflection and self-assessment, designed to identify strengths and target areas for growth. The focus of the LIF process is to build on the strengths within the organisation. This affirms and encourages efforts to live out the Lasallian character in all aspects of the ministry’s life as it attempts to deliver an educational and formative experience of excellence to all young people entrusted to its care.
The Lasallian Identity Framework has been created to fulfil several important purposes:
To indicate the essential characteristics of a Lasallian school.
To indicate the expectations of those who work in a Lasallian school.
To serve as a source of encouragement and positive reinforcement for the good practices already in place within the school.
To provide an internal review and self-assessment of the school’s ethos, as well as its external, objective assessment.
To identify critical needs and issues and assist the school in creating and implementing a multi-year growth plan that addresses critical needs and issues.
To assess how the school contributes to the educational service of the poor, a key element in Lasallian education.
Key Features of a Lasallian Education
Nine Key Features outlined in the document give expression and focus to the Lasallian character of the school. These Key Features are interrelated and reflect essential aspects of the vision and heritage of St John Baptist de La Salle and the Lasallian mission. These Key Features serve as a reference point for each school, and each individual Lasallian educator, to assess how embedded the values and vision of St John Baptist de La Salle are in their everyday life and work.
Key Features of a Lasallian Education
Lasallian schools are committed to living their Lasallian heritage
An education based on the Lasallian history, spirituality, and pedagogical approaches of St. John Baptist de La Salle.
Conscious awareness of the presence of God in the educational setting
An education motivated by a conscious awareness of the presence of God in every aspect and person within the educational community.
Teaching motivated by vocation
Lasallian educators see their work as a response to a personal call.
Inspired by Gospel values
An education inspired by the Gospel values of Faith, Hope, and Love.
Commitment to the educational service of the poor
An education sensitive to the human needs of young people, especially the poor.
А human and spiritual education
An education that enables students to reach their full potential through a holistic approach addressing their spiritual, academic and social needs.
Responsive to the learning needs of each student
An education that recognises and dignifies every human being as being unique, unrepeatable, and educable; and is attentive to the needs of each student.
Quality relationships
An education based on quality relationships. Lasallian educators are mindful of their responsibility to promote healthy relations with staff and students alike.
Promotes inclusive, collaborative educational communities
An education that creates an inclusive community that welcomes and celebrates diversity. Service of others is done in a spirit of collaboration.