National Induction Programme Ireland

The Student Leadership Programme will take place over two days with arrival to Castletown, commencing on Tuesday 11th October by 11.30am and finishing after lunch on Wednesday 12th October. 

Most schools in our District possess a ‘Student Prefect’ or ‘Student Mentor’ System. These systems are at the heart of the schools in which they operate, providing a layer between the staff and student body.

As well as aiding in various school activities on a daily basis, Students demonstrate the following skills:

  • Leadership skills

  • Personal and Social skills

  • Social awareness

  • Sense of Responsibility

  • Team-work

  • Listening and Communication skills


These skills lend themselves as well as complement the five core principles. This training will link the various skills, with the added ‘Lasallian’ aspect tailored for the programme.

This programme is aimed at students 15- 17 years, in TY/5th year. There are 6 places available to each school. The programme is over-night and students will stay at the retreat centre in Castletown. 

Over the two days it is hoped they will engage in workshops, prayer and reflection meditations and activities together. 

The workshops will include 

  •         Leadership 

  •         Listening & Communication 

  •        Servant Leadership 

  •         Lasallians without borders 

  •       Meditation 


International Lasallians Days for Peace (ILDP)


Global news July 22