Br. George reflects on joy of Tradfest in Castletown

Br. George Whyte, from the Miguel House Community, has reflected on a wonderful few days when dancers from all over the stayed at De La Salle while they attended the very enjoyable Tradfest.

The 27th year of Tradfest was held in De La Salle, Castletown, Portlaoise, over four days during the May Bank Holiday Weekend, bringing together over 80 adult Ceilí Dancers from all over Ireland, as well as England, France, Italy and Belgium. There were four Ceilí Bands involved, including the popular Tulla Ceilí Band.

All dancing workshops and Ceilís took place in the very fine and spacious Castletown Community Hall, and over-night accommodation and meals were provided in the De La Salle Pastoral Centre. There was an organised Poetry Walk one morning.

About 160 dancers took tot eh floor each afternoon and night, in sets of eight. I attended two sessions and I can tell you that the sparks were flying in a lovely atmosphere of gaiety and fun. There was no let-up until each session was over.

I was brought back to my school holiday times in the Gaeltacht in Ranafast, Co Donegal, when the Ceilí was the normal recreation for the young people on a summer Irish language course.

I spoke to a dancer from Cavan, and another from Belgium, and another from just outside the village.

It was a weekend of activity and enjoyment for adults. Not a trace of alcohol – just simple but strenuous and enjoyable.


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